Sunday, September 12, 2004

Transformation (9/12/04)

I am beginning to like country music. For those of you who don't know me very well, this is actually a pretty big change. I was always more into harder rock. I'm not sure what brought on the transformation. It might be the wide open space out here... Or the abundance of country music stations... Or the fact that many of my classmates during sales training really liked country music. Whatever the reason, I now see my kids rolling their eyes the way I used to when my Dad and step-mom played country music. I guess perhaps they were right all along.

The topic for this week is transformation. When we accept Christ as our savior, our new found faith is not just something to be assimilated into our lifestyle. It is to be the core of our new, re-born lifestyle. Said another way, our salvation is not an add-on. It is a transformation. In Matthew 18:3, Jesus tells us to become like little children. We are to be transformed like a child learning for the first time all over again. And, it is to be a lifelong transformation. An emptying of self and a filling with Him. As we walk with Him... As we study the word... As we disciple others and are discipled by others… We realize new depths of His truth. We become more and more like a child with utter dependence on our Father. You've probably heard a pastor say "Nothing in my hand I bring… Simply to the cross I cling". I want to learn how to cling to the cross in all situations.

Look at Luke 5:1-11. You'll see that Peter thought he had to be transformed before following Christ (you can probably see the parallel in many modern religions). Also, look at Luke 18:18-25. Here you'll see that the rich young ruler wanted his salvation to be an add-on to his current lifestyle.

A couple questions to think about this Wednesday as you fast and pray about transformation:

1. Has your salvation been a transformation?
2. If so, does your walk continue to be a transformation?
3. Is your transformation leading you down the path of utter dependence… Emptying yourself of your self and replacing it with Him?
4. Are you starting to like country music :-)

On second thought, don't give #4 too much thought.

Have a great week and a great fast.
your brother,

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