Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Science (9/28/04)

The psalmist wrote "… the heavens declare Your glory …"

I was 31 before I really started taking a look at the bible and what it has to say. I wouldn't say my public education was intentionally atheistic but I came away from school with an ingrained notion that science and faith were tragically juxtaposed. And I don't think I'm alone. In fact there are millions of people out there with the same notion. It keeps them from exploring the claims of Jesus because they think it flies in the face of modern science. The problem here is that these same people only have a small understanding of modern science. Darwin's assumption that life rose from pond scum has been challenged and shown to be statistically impossible. In the book "The Case for Faith", the author speaks of a theology professor who says if he needs an atheist for a debate, he has to go to the philosophy department because the physics department all believes. Physicists are declaring an amazing design and underlying plan to the universe which obviously points to a designer. And they have only scratched the surface of understanding. I see a parallel in this to my own understanding of the word of God. I only understand a little of the bible and I've taken even less into my heart, but… as I learn more and internalize more, it only serves to strengthen my faith. Similarly, as science advances, it seems to be pointing directly to God. And this is something that the masses seem to not be aware of. In fact, the masses think we need to suspend belief for the sake of our faith. In reality, it is the masses who are suspending belief to go on without faith. … the wisdom of the world is foolishness in the eyes of the Lord.

So as we fast this Wednesday, let's pray for science. We know science is going to continue pointing to God.

Have a great week and a great fast.
Your brother,

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