Sunday, July 10, 2005


Have you ever had a revelation? You may not think so. In fact, the word "revelation" may conjure up images of being alone somewhere and hearing God's voice in some weird megaphone-like manner. So let me ask it a different way. Have you ever had a breakthrough or an "AHA" moment (some prefer to say AAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!)?

Let me start by saying it seems quite appropriate that I'm writing the first draft of this message at 3:30 am on a Thursday morning. You see, I've been awake for about an hour now, unable to fall back asleep, because these thoughts about breakthroughs are swimming through my head. And even as dim-witted as I can be, I could recognize that I was having an "AHA" moment about "AHA" moments.

I think these "AHA" moments can fall into many different categories. A few pop into mind:

1. A new clarity about God's word: Perhaps the breakthrough is a new understanding of a certain passage that used to be confusing to you. Or maybe it's seeing how two seemingly unrelated passages are actually related - which strengthens your faith in the divine nature of the bible. Or maybe you see a whole new deeper meaning in a passage that you thought you understood completely - reaffirming that the word holds something for everyone - no matter where they are in their walk.
2. A nugget of self-discovery: As we let Him take control of our lives, it's extremely helpful to know as much as we can about ourselves. You can probably think of numerous times when you learned something new about yourself. And if you're at all like me, a lot of them aren't such good things… which just reaffirms the need to let Him take control of my life.
3. A glimpse of God's will for your life: "For He knows the plans He has for me…" and I really like it when He lets me see a little piece of it.

Yesterday I heard a quote from Winston Churchill - "Man occasionally stumbles across the truth… but he usually manages to pick himself back up and continue on his way." This Wednesday, let's pray about these "AHA" moments. That when we stumble across these truths... we recognize them, learn from them, incorporate them into our lives, and bless others with them. Let's pray that we don't just "continue on our way"… We want to "continue on His way."

Have a great week and a great fast.
Your brother,

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