Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Half full

I just returned from a trip to Florida and it reminded me of several things that I really like about New Mexico:

1. There is very little humidity in New Mexico. In Florida, you can feel like you're swimming when you're on dry land.
2. There are no mosquitoes, gnats, or biting flies where I live in New Mexico. In Florida, mosquitoes are the size of small commuter planes.
3. I'm not aware of a single toll road in New Mexico. In Florida, I stopped to pay 4 different tolls on a 60 mile trip.

Now don't get me wrong. This isn't intended to portray New Mexico as better than Florida. In fact, I'm guessing if Florida natives traveled to New Mexico, they would be reminded of things they really like about Florida (the color green for example). The point is, it is our nature to take our blessings for granted. We focus on what we don't have instead of what we do have. Look at the account of the 40 years in the desert. The Jews complained about anything and everything. Not enough to eat… Not enough to drink… Too much manna… They even wished they were back in slavery in Egypt at one point. Think about your spiritual life for a moment. Are you more prone to look at how far you have to go to become like Christ or do you look at how far you've already come. The first focuses on self and self's inherent shortcomings. The second focuses on the amazing power of God. Apply the same to your marriage, your job, your children, whatever. Remind yourself of blessings that you may have started taking for granted. Challenge yourself to see what's right instead of focusing on what isn't.

Have a great week and a great fast.
Your brother,

Monday, February 20, 2006


Do you encounter temptation on a daily basis? If you acted on every impulse, would you be fired… divorced… homeless… arrested… broke???

Oscar Wilde once quipped "I can resist anything!!!... Except temptation."

As we pray about temptation this Wednesday, let's reflect on the temptation of Jesus in the desert. First, I think it's pretty neat that our creator, the maker of the universe, has first-hand experience with the same temptations we struggle with day in and day out. Second, don't fail to notice where the temptation comes from. Third, whether you read the account in Matthew 4 or Luke 4, you'll see that with each temptation, Jesus resisted by quoting scripture. The word became flesh… and then used the word as a weapon against the enemy.

We need to be in the word on a regular basis. Listen to good preaching on the radio as you drive in the car. Read the bible as a part of your daily routine. Commit passages to memory. Write God's word on your heart by Meditating on scripture. Discuss the word with believing friends. Pray about the word. Fill yourself with Christ. This is how we prepare to resist Satan / temptation.

Have a great week and a great fast.
Your brother,

Monday, February 6, 2006

New believers

Bennett (my oldest) started driving school this past week. Perhaps you have kids old enough that you know what this parenting experience is like. I had the usual concerns before he started taking the class but now that I've driven with him for a few hours, I have to say I'm even more concerned. The thing that is amazing to me is how much he doesn't know about driving. Or perhaps it's amazing how much there is to know about driving. Fortunately, he has a healthy respect for the responsibility. He is cautious and eager to practice and learn all the things he doesn't know.

This week we are praying for those who have just recently been saved. Just like we wouldn't expect a new driver to just go out and wing-it without experienced instruction, we shouldn't expect a new believer to go out and wing a relationship with Christ. Let's pray this Wednesday for this vulnerable time. Let's pray that mentors step up and help lead them into a relationship with Christ.

Have a great week and a great fast.
Your brother,