Monday, December 20, 2004

Be still

I was watching Evan eat his cereal one morning and I was amazed by his concentration. It was very apparent that the cereal was the only thing on his mind. He is totally focused on getting the cereal on the spoon and then getting that spoon in his mouth. Nothing else is dividing his attention - his mind doesn't wander. I would really like my prayer time to be like that - with nothing else diverting my thoughts. But sadly, it often isn't. I start praying and the next thing I know, my mind is straying to something totally different - "what's next at work… when do the kids have off again… is tonight trash night…". It's easy to find a quiet place and to keep our body still but it's so hard to quiet the mind. It's hard to just converse with Him without continuing my natural multi-tasking tendency. Psalm 46:10a says "Be still, and know that I am God". I don't have any magic formula for "being still" but I do know that my wandering mind betrays self-reliance and a lack of God-reliance.

So this Wednesday, as we fast, we are praying that we learn how to "Be Still". It's the key to changing our prayer life from talking at Him to conversing with Him. It's what we need to hear His will… to feel His love… To rest in His strength.

Have a great week, a great fast.
Your brother,

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